I just have the urge to talk about hall spirit..
What i saw at the bbq last night was utterly shameful.
RHOCers were trying very hard. RH seniors were just sitting around, letting them do all the work. No one clapped or cheered or gave any encouragement. True enough, they suck.. but we suck too. We're not even excited at orientation... are we? At this rate, all the freshmen won't even come after 2 days of orientation. So, there's an issue here. Hall spirit is not really happening here in RH.
First, let's do the tricky (and often most interesting and exciting) part of discussing who is to be blamed for a seemingly lousy RHOC in the last 2 years. Hehehhe.. i'm gonna enjoy this.
1) RHOC = orientation = fun for freshmen and seniors. people in RHOC... let's count those who know how to have REAL fun... those who are likeable, or who people enjoy talking to. ..
Hmm... Let's see... Yuan Mei. Maybe T.K. . . . . And frankly speakin, i don't know the rest. Enuff said.
2) Seniors!! We'r useless !!! we just use the hall like a place to hang out with each other and we don't really care how we pass on the finer traditions in hall. We only pass it to those who end up becoming close to us. In other words, there's a selection process where only the "fun and fittest" will be in touch with us... Such as we only hang out with Eric, Kok, Ram, Clare, Joyce etc from year 2 and a few more from year1.. we don't make any conscious effort to make sure the whole hall is involved with ourselves. It's like we don't care about hall but rather just the friends in hall. I don't believe this is wrong.. cuz we can't help it sometimes. Are we selfish sometimes, tho? Maybe so... And the consequences we have are like many disegregrated groups or cliques.. which is inevitable most of the time.. but i feel like the people who are ONS or happening in hall are leaving !! And no one is replacing them !! This sucks.
3) RH is too far away from faculties such as BIZAD, LAW and ARTS and too near ENGINEERING and our facilities suck we keep attracting the wrong kind of people. . . ok this is lame. we have good location on campus to make up for that.
(but the toilets are scary now... i keep thinking i might get abducted by aliens while i'm taking a piss in the middle of the night.. big blinding white lights and all...)
ok who can think of anything else??
Oh .. and i'm too lazy to talk about the solutions. let's hope someone else comes up with that.
And the consolation to bad hall spirit is of course, the knowledge that we final years really really know how to have fun with each other and it's gonna be one hella good year.
Being truthfully yours,